
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Photoshop tippies!

Hi All!  So yesterday was my last day of photoshop class.  I feel like I could take at least 10 more weeks of class and still not learn it all.  Today I thought I would share a tool that I find very helpful in photoshop called an adjustment layer.  By adding an adjustment layer it is possible to lighten or darken a photo and make it more vibrant.  I use it a lot because I accidently don't use flash or I use too much flash!  This is really helpful when photographing cards and projects too.  My favorite is an adjustment called "curves".  I realize that I am ill equipped to explain this completely but I found this great tutorial here: 
Give it a go.  I think you'll like it too!   Here is a version of my final photoshop project.  Hope you like it!  Just a hint this is far from what I ended up turning in.  I'll show that sometime soon!

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